Impact evaluations and development: Nonie guidance on impact evaluation


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Dono: Biblioteca


The Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) was established in 2006 to foster more
and better impact evaluations by its membership – the evaluation networks of bilateral and multilateral organizations focusing on development issues, as well as networks of developing country evaluators. NONIE’s member networks conduct a broad set of evaluations, examining issues such as project and strategy performance, institutional development, and aid effectiveness. But the focus of NONIE is narrower. By sharing methodological approaches and promoting learning by doing on impact evaluations, NONIE aims to promote the
use of this more specific approach by its members within their larger portfolio of evaluations. This document, by Frans Leeuw and Jos Vaessen, has been developed to support this focus. The Guidance document was written by and represents the views of the authors. Given the fact that perspectives on the definition, scope, and appropriate methods of impact evaluation differ widely among practitioners and other stakeholders, the document should not be taken to represent the agreed positions of all of the individual NONIE members.

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