Project: Alimentary and Non-Alimentary Actions for Venezuelans (ANA) in Brazil
Locations: Roraima and Amazonas (implementation areas)
Application Deadline: 13/09/2021
Languages Required: Spanish, Portuguese & English
Project Short Intro: Alimentary and Non-Alimentary Actions for Venezuelan Migrants in Brazil (ANA) is an activity aligned with the strategy of the Brazilian Government and the international community for alleviating the plight of Venezuelan migrants in Brazil.
ANA provides emergency assistance under the Shelter and Settlements, WASH, and Food Security sectors bringing assistance to 30,000 of the most vulnerable Venezuelan migrants living along the migratory corridor of Brazil’s Roraima State, including the capital city Boa Vista, as well as the city of Manaus in neighboring Amazonas, which hosts a large population of migrants.
The project will run for sixteen (16) months from October 1st, 2020, to January 31st, 2022, and its scope of activities will include:
(1) Shelter and Settlements Non-Food Items (NFIs),
(2) Hygiene Promotion,
(3) WASH Non-Food Items,
(4) Electronic vouchers and
(5) Pamphlets to promote good nutrition and culinary hygiene.
This evaluation would have three main purposes:
- To learn to what extent the project’s objectives and goals—at all result levels—have been achieved;
- To assess the extent to which the different outcomes/benefits arising from the project are likely to continue after activities have been completed; and
- To evaluate effectiveness and relevance of the food baskets and NFIs to achieve the project outcomes.
Evaluation Team Composition
The evaluation team should comprise of an external consultant for training and conducting the evaluation, in addition, field supervisors, enumerators, translators, data entry clerks and drivers would also be part of the evaluation team. The MEAL Coordinator from ADRA Brazil will oversee, coordinate, and manage the planning, organization and implementation of the evaluation.
The consultant must have experience in evaluation and projects implemented in an emergency context. The final evaluation team will consist of a team leader, a technical coordinator, and a statistician. The team leader/Evaluation Specialist should have:
- Post-graduate degree in Development Studies, Monitoring and Evaluation, or food security interventions and nutrition.
- At least five years senior level experience in conducting surveys of similar programs in Latin America.
- Experience in leading and organizing assessment teams (training, field logistics, human relations, teamwork).
- Extensive experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative evaluations/assessments and familiar with the non-profit sector.
- Recent knowledge and experience with a statistical software e.g., SPSS.
- In-depth knowledge and experience of remote data collection methods (i.e., phone-based surveys, etc.).
- Past related experience evaluating food assistance programs in an emergency context will be an advantage; (experience with donors like OFDA, USDA, FFP is also an advantage).
- Experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis; and
- Excellent oral and written skills are required (Spanish, Portuguese & English).
Please contact ADRA for a Statement of Work and other relevant material to submit your technical and financial proposal.
Contact for more information:
Telma McGeoch
Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning (MEAL)