A publicação Mais Avaliações e Menos Desigualdades reúne um olhar transversal em torno das temáticas de avaliação, equidade e redução das desigualdades. A publicação é fruto da colaboração entre a Red...
The history of the development of Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) demonstrates that the profession of evaluation follows the path mapped by Flexner. VOPEs are established b...
Evaluation is an effective way to capture lessons drawn from experience that can be used to improve development policies and programes. In this way, evaluation helps to meet performance standards suc...
Una evaluación es una valoración, lo más sistemática e imparcial possible, de una actividad, proyecto, programa, estrategia, política, tópico, tema, sector, área operativa o desempeño institucional. A...
Development evaluation is an exciting component of the larger evaluation mosaic. It addresses the profound, the complex, and the emergent areas of development. Evaluating poverty alleviation, globaliz...
The Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) was established in 2006 to foster more and better impact evaluations by its membership – the evaluation networks of bilateral and multilater...
This working paper was conceived to stimulate debate on new trends in the evaluation function within the Post-Paris new Aid architecture and the UN Reform, and to explore the status of the evaluation ...
2015 will be a year of global transformation, in which the new Sustainable Development Goals will be launched. Gender equality will be central to ensure the realization of sustainable and equitable de...
Embora a tese da natureza contingencial e humana da produção científica e tecnológica já seja de largo conhecimento de pesquisadores com formação nas Ciências Sociais, a vivência na Administração Públ...